Software Architect Interview Questions

Following is a list of questions that I was asked in an interview for the position of C++  Software Architect.

I'll add full context and explanation along with my answers sometime later. For now just note that subsequent questions were follow-up of answers to previous questions and each of the following question were asked in exact same order I have written here:

  1. Tell me about your company, its products & services and explain your role.
    In brief, my answer included creating/preparing architecture and high level and low level designs 
  2. What do you mean, when you say high level design and what do you mean by low level design
  3. What are the differences between high and low level designs?
  4. What are the differences between high level design and architecture?
  5. What are the differences between low level design and architecture?
  6. What is the intent of Software Architecture, High level Design and Low level Design?
  7. What do you do once you are done with High level design?
  8. What do you do once you are done with Low level design?
  9. What are the 3 main things that an architecture that you create, should have? Why?
  10. How important is the need to be aware of current trends?
  11. Who all are the stakeholders when you discuss your system architecture?
  12. Why did you include QA/testing team in stakeholders list?
  13. How many architects were there for the product/feature that you designed and implemented?
  14. How do you ensure that the architectures prepared by different architects for different parts converge?
  15. What are the top 3 traits any Software Architect must have?
  16. Explain the architecture of your company's product, if its not something that is confidential?
  17. Can you explain the architecture of system/feature/product that you designed, if its not confidential. 
  18. How is a layered architecture different from n-tier architecture?


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